Module Review

This module introduced you to FME Server’s Automation Functionality.

What You Should Have Learned from this Module

The following are key points to be learned from this module.


• Automation is the ability for FME Server to run a workspace without any user intervention or initiation.

• Scheduling is the ability to program FME Server to run a workspace in a repository, at a specific time in the future.

• Automated Data Processing is when a workspace is run in response to an event, rather than on a schedule.

• Workflow Management is a technique where a set of workspaces can be run in a particular sequence, and where branching can take place to run one workspace or another depending on the result of a set of pre-defined decisions.

FME Skills

• The ability to schedule a workspace to run at a particular time or date, either once or on a repeating schedule.

• The ability to start a workspace automatically with either a Notification or through the REST API

• The ability to create a parent workspace to control and execute a set of child processes